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Author Topic: Feed Rate  (Read 7933 times)

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Offline kak

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Feed Rate
« on: March 04, 2008, 01:23:05 PM »

I`m not exactly sure what I`m doing, but I did mill today for the first time :)

If my blue foam was more level I could mill the rest of the letter.

But it took over 7 min to mill.  How can I change the Feed Rate? The on screen Feed Rate is 60 and 100% and it wont change. It always resets to the old value.
When I use the Shift+arrows it moves much faster.


Offline Graham Waterworth

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Re: Feed Rate
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2008, 01:56:46 PM »
In your program enter F120.  this will double the feed to 120/units per minute

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Offline jimpinder

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Re: Feed Rate
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2008, 02:02:22 PM »
Since you haven't posted your program, it is a bit difficult to know what the problem is.

The tool will move at different speeds.

G0 is the fast traverse so G0 X10 Y1 will move the tool as fast as it can from here to there. The speed is dependent on the axis motor setting on Config. You should spend a bit of time on these and increase the speed as much as you can, consistant with reliable travel. If you try and move too fast, the motor will stall. Try increasing the acceleratio, to make it a bit quicker off the mark.

G1 is what one might call cutting speed. G1 calls are affected by the F command which is feedrate, and you can put any speed in here (although there is no point going above your maximum for G0, because the machine won't do it)

so G1 F2 X1Y4 is move at feedrate of 2 inches per min to X1Y4.

Feedrate is I think, global, so you can set it at the beginning of the program and it will  stay at that til altered. In your intro include the command G94 which is move in units per minute for feedrate.

One problem I have found is if you are set in inches and you move to metric - the feedrate does not alter but stays at the figure set - but unfortunately moves to millimeters instead of inches, so if you do alter your units, you must alter your feedrate to compensate.

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Offline Chip

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Re: Feed Rate
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2008, 05:01:52 PM »
Hi, Adam

Your Velocity and Acceleration settings in Config, Motor Tuning set's your max speed's.

If you haven't setup/calibrated your Step's Per to inch or mm, You need to do that first. (Steps Per set to number of steps to move one Inch or MM)

On the Program Run page set the feed-rate to 150.00 or higer for fast machines.

(This puts your feed-rate setting well above what your Max Velosity will be).

Hit the TAB key for pop-out Jog window, Set the Slow Jog Rate to 100 %.

Jog Mode to Cont. (Axis will move as long as you hold the key down).

Now your Setup to use the axis arrow key's or mouse arrow button's to set up your velosity and acceleration, (Setting up vel/accl is a balancing act).

Set your vel. to 45 and accl to 15 for a start (Vel is typically 3 times higher than accl (more or less)).

Increase the accl up till your servo trips or your steppers slip then back it off 10 % or so, Then set the vel up till it trips or slips also, Back it off 10% or so or till you think it's fast enough (Speed's can get scary on big servo or steppers).

Then after you get the max'es set, Your slower G01 with F speeds should be fine.

With G00 moves you'll get max speed for your Machine up to your Velosity Setting.

Hope this Helps, Chip

Offline kak

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Re: Feed Rate
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2008, 12:12:34 PM »

I changed the F60 to F120 and the milling time was 4 min in stead of 7 - it works, but how fast can I go?  I mill in blue foam for now so I wish I could do it faster.

My Motor tuning is: Acc 100 and Velocity 500, but it can go faster.

Does it mean that I can use the F value up to 500?

Chip - I did try to change the FeedRate on the program run page, but it will not change.


Offline Chip

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Re: Feed Rate
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2008, 02:33:18 PM »
Hi, Adam

Click on the Feedrate setting window as in the Pic. below, Enter the value then "Enter Key", Then follow my post above.

Yes, If your Velocity is set to 500 and your system will not lose steps, Then F500 will work.

G00 uses your Max Velocity setting.

But I think you need to do further Tuning to get it all sorted out.

Thanks, Chip