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Author Topic: newbie help  (Read 4476 times)

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newbie help
« on: February 21, 2008, 03:39:43 PM »
I am thinking of doing the full purchase but I have some questions.  I think it would be better to give you some background.  My company builds airplanes and I have a cnc router that the engineer that I bought the company from built in 1992 from scratch.  I have been able to take control of the machine with the mach 3 software but I am having trouble with the G-code.  The code that was written for the machine is very simple it has I think 5 different codes that the machine work it is not G-code it is his own code.  We are able to get the parts into rhinoceroses (Rhino) and convert it to a dxf but now what.  The whole program is based on a 1/8 inch bit and I need to write tool path because lazy cam is not understanding the dxf well enough to produce good G code.
1. will the licensed version help with any of my problems?
2. I am going to buy it anyway but should I buy rhino cam as well so I can edit tool path?
3. Is there a program that I can put my existing code into and convert the commands to G-code

Offline Chip

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Re: newbie help
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2008, 04:24:52 PM »
Hi, Rjgfly

Post a DXF file your having trouble with, Use the REPLY button and attach it with Attach option.

1. Mach3 is limited to 500 lines of G-code without a License, LazyCam license will allow offsets, pocketing and turn/lathe features.

2. Hard to say depends on the complexity of your drawings.

3. Post an example of your code.

4. Haven't a Clue on that one.

Thanks, Chip

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: newbie help
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2008, 08:09:40 AM »
Hi Rjgfly,

There are many free programs available to convert DXF to G-Code and their effectiveness depends on the quality of the DXF.
I use and can recommend 'CamBam', I  have found it to be excellent for tool radius offset profiling work such as would be required for plane parts.
