Hi Brian / Wayne,
I spent most of the afternoon running tests on my router. I changed the minimum step width to 5uS and reduced the kernal speed to 25000 Hz and reduced the aceeleration to 1.1 U/S^2. I repeated the bench tests starting at max velocity and kept slowing it down until the motor sounded smooth. I came to the conclusion that a velocity setting of 0.6 in/sec felt right. The motors run fairly well (sputtering occaisionally) at speeds up to 0.75 in/sec but on long runs with all the motors running at 50in/sec they almost always stall after about 5 to 10 seconds. I also noted that my problem of sputtering starts to show up at all speeds above 0.6 in/sec.
The 0.6 in/sec setting is a little better than what I had with my original settings. So I hooked up the motors to the router and ran them through a series of long run cycles both individually and simultaneously. The good news is that with this setup I did not experience a stall. To see if I could improve the speed on the machine, I tried increasing the velocity. Again at anything over 0.6 in/sec the motors start to sputter and stall at 50 in/sec just like on the bench tests.
My feeling is that the issue will likely repeat itself because I really did not notice a change. Although after about 1 hour of cycls with the 0.6 in/sec settings I realize that my original problem of stalling once or twice on a long cycle (4 to 9 hours) may still occur.
I think that my drives are either bad or not capable of driving these motors properly. I know that they should be able to cope with mid band resonance stabilize the motor but from what am seeing it sure looks like it is not doing ti very well.
Any ideas?