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Author Topic: gcodes  (Read 4622 times)

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« on: January 02, 2008, 12:07:58 AM »
hello and happy new year i am new to the post and hope someone can help I am interested in ramping the feed rate over a distsance  rather than stair stepping the changes
I would like it to be smooth any ideas are appreciated  PS this is for a lathe profiling bats
« Last Edit: January 02, 2008, 07:43:35 PM by puckee »
Re: gcodes
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2008, 07:53:21 AM »
If you didn't mind the rpm changing as well, you could use G96, (CSS Mode) and G95, (Units per Rev). Feed rate would vary with the rpm changes.
Might be OK with the large OD differences of a bat.
Re: gcodes
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2008, 08:49:18 AM »
I haven't a clue if this is doable but this is jut an idea and maybe the syntax is wrong


g1 x0 f5
x=x+2 f=f+2 LOOP

Do it in a loop or until x is where you want it, maybe it could be added to the features section if not possible at the moment

The Good Thing About Mach3, Is It's very Configurable

The Bad Thing About Mach3, Is It's Too Configurable

Offline jimpinder

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  • Wakefield, West Yorks, UK
Re: gcodes
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2008, 10:58:39 AM »
You couldn't do a cricket bat like that !!!
Not me driving the engine - I'm better looking.
Re: gcodes
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2008, 11:23:37 AM »
Hello Jim,
Cricket bat ?  You must have some HUGE crickets wher you are.   :D
We just use a fly swatter for crickets here.
I assumed puckee was referring to a baseball bat.    ;)
« Last Edit: January 02, 2008, 11:25:38 AM by Overloaded »
Re: gcodes
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2008, 07:49:21 PM »
thanks for the responses  We do have very large crickets in OK "USA"

I own a small Bat business  Infinity Bats,

Up to now I have been using cnc pro a dos based program

ok so if i am running at 15ipm without effecting the rpm I cannot change the speed liniear IE enter a new speed and over the 7 inches of travel the x axix ramps up to the new speed.

Offline jimpinder

  •  1,232 1,232
  • Wakefield, West Yorks, UK
Re: gcodes
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2008, 09:24:40 PM »
Back to the Bat in question

I take it you start at the larger diameter, then as you traverse, the diameter gets smaller, and you want to increase the feed rate - for what purpose -  to get an even finish??   I take it these are aluminium bats, perhaps ( maybe showing my ignorance)

I think Overloaded has the answer. I take it the spindle speed of your machine is automatically variable.

If not you might consider a Macro written is Visual Basic
Something like                While Is moving
                                     Feedrate is proportional to X axis distance
                                     Code F etc

(That is not the syntax - but you get the idea - While is moving is in the syntax - usually to STOP anything else happening. You can adjust the feedrate  by getting the present readout from the DRO (either X or Y I suppose) apply a multplier, and have the macro pump out the new feedrate.

You might prefer to do a Macro like this, because you can control all the various parameters. The is a Macro Tutorial (Scripting) which gives you the idea of how to do one.
Not me driving the engine - I'm better looking.
Re: gcodes
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2008, 02:30:56 PM »
Ok the parts are maple and taking a cut on the x axis from left to right  handle first as  the tool moves from handle to barrel it cuts less wood
I need to speed the feed up to maintain the same tool pressure, the part wants to move excessivy, The lathe I uses is home made a cincinatti tray top converted with a ball screw.  The spindle rpm are not tied to the software, I have no dro,  I made a follow rest with a tool to pre cut the dowel as the part turns, in order to use it I must be able to adjust the speeds to maintain tool pressure......

Thanks for your help
