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Author Topic: erro probe  (Read 1693 times)

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erro probe
« on: January 22, 2024, 07:18:49 AM »
Bom dia, quando vou configurar o meu eixo Z no mach3 o meu eixo identifica o probe, mais quando retorna só para quando atinge o fim de curso, já mudei o scripr, configurei unidade de medida, portas e pino de entrada e nada resolveu, o eixo quando identifica só para no Fim de curso.

Good morning, when I go to configure my Z axis on the Mach3, my axis identifies the probe, but when it returns it only stops when it reaches the end of travel, I've already changed the script, configured the measurement unit, ports and input pin and nothing has resolved it, the axis when identified only stops at the end of travel.