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Author Topic: Display spindle load  (Read 7281 times)

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Display spindle load
« on: January 21, 2024, 01:46:32 AM »
I would like to have a spindle and servo load display on the screen to see the load on the inverter and the axle drives. My controller has 4 analog inputs, is there a way to connect the 0-10V signal to the controller and display it as a bar in Mach4?
Controller is an IP/A.
Greetings René

Offline cncmagic

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Re: Display spindle load
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2024, 02:04:55 PM »
short answer is probably no.. but you could cheat.. if you use a real cheap plc or some other device, convert the 0-10v to a bit oriented signal.. that is read the 0-10v into the plc, and then convert this to 8 outputs. the 8 outputs are a binary representation of the value. This will be a numerical value of 0-255. I will guess that this resolution would work.. each output goes to a Mach4 input (you didn't mention the breakout you are using).. in Mach4 with a bit of coding, convert the 0-255 to lets say 0-100%... since most breakout boards wouldn't have sufficient io for 3 or 4 drives, use 2 additional outputs from the plc, also as a binary value, to select drives 0-3. or you also could simply buy several 0-10v gages and mount them somewhere on the machine.  :P
any semblance of information posted to anything remotely  close to accuracy is merely coincidence. Use at you own discretion.. or play the lottery.. same odds
Re: Display spindle load
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2024, 03:22:46 PM »
Oh, that sounds a bit complicated, as an alternative I will try an LED bar or simply an ammeter, I would have thought that in Mach4 it wouldn't be a big deal to link such a display to an analogue input, thanks for your help.
Greetings René
Re: Display spindle load
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2024, 04:05:36 AM »
Do you want to measure motor current?  I assume an induction motor with vfd.  Given the likely waveforms an old fashioned AC ammeter in series with the AC supply might be best unless there's a suitable output from the vfd.
Re: Display spindle load
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2024, 06:36:22 AM »
It seems to me that what is needed is documentation from CS Labs about how to read their analog inputs using their Mach4 plugin. Typically this sort of thing is done by having the value appear in a Mach4 register. Once this is available, Mach4 has all the tools needed to display and interact with the value provided.
Steve Stallings

Offline cncmagic

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Re: Display spindle load
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2024, 08:35:32 AM »
sorry... I missed the part that your controller already had analog inputs..
yes.. Steve is correct.. if you can find out how to setup the inputs on the controller, you should be able to read them into Mach4 and display without much coding. Thats only if the IP/A inputs can be mapped to Mach4.. I took a quick look and it didn't immediately appear that the inputs on the controller can be mapped.. looks like they are using them internally as 0-10v feedbacks to allow for closed loop speed correction.  :-X
any semblance of information posted to anything remotely  close to accuracy is merely coincidence. Use at you own discretion.. or play the lottery.. same odds
Re: Display spindle load
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2024, 11:49:48 AM »
Thanks for the information, the IP/A is exclusively for analog servos with feedback. In addition to all the digital in and outputs, there are 4 analog inputs to connect pots for FRO and SRO, for example. My idea was that instead of a pot with 0-10V, I would connect the 0-10V analog output of the VFD there.
However, I cannot assign an analog input to a drobar in the screen editor. I'm not familiar with registers.
Greetings René
Re: Display spindle load
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2024, 12:19:16 PM »
I personally have never used a CS Labs board or software, but it looks like this web page describes the procedure. Not trivial, but at least CS Labs indicated that analog is supported.


Steve Stallings
Re: Display spindle load
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2024, 11:15:42 AM »
I started a few attempts today, I managed to get the display in Mach4 to work, now I would have to compare the display in Mach4 with the actual amps that the VFD shows, I will try that at the weekend.

Greetings René
Here's another short video.


Re: Display spindle load
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2024, 04:30:47 PM »
Do you have access to modbus in your machine? I have been using a cheap analog-> modbus  adapter to report back the current draws from my servo power supplies.  It has 0-10v input and rs485 modbus out.  You can even get super fancy and get a rs485 to modbus tcp bridge to send it over tcp-ip in Mach4 ( just like the Ethernet Smoothstepper)