Hi. I have recently bought Mach3 and I am trying to find a solution to start/stop the spindel. My BOB is a 5 axis board. I have a slave-stepmotor on my y-axis and it is connected to pin 16 & 17 and assign to B. I want to use a 4th rotational axis and it will be assign to A (pin 8 and 9). My board has one relay but it is controlled by pin 17, wich I already have assign to the B-axis DIR. I have tried to use pin 14 to control the DIR of the B-axis, but it does not seem to work. The direction does not change so I think that pin 14 might not be suitable to set as DIR för an axis, or am I wrong. So, now I am searching a way to start/stop the spindel using pin 14. But I am uncertain that I can connect a 5 V relay directly to the pin 14. The relay draws around 70 mA, and it may be to much for the pin14. Does anyone have a suggestion how I can find a solution. Pin 1 is used for PWM.
Best regards