I have Avid's tweeked Sheet Cam and Mach 4 and I'm just trying to "center punch" some holes so I can drill them out on a drill press. I tried using the art soft tutorial in you tube to "center punch" those points and then cut the outside profile. The problem I'm running into is that I have the Avid post processor in Sheet Cam and the Avid tweeked Mach 4. The you tube tutorial from art soft instructs you to create a drill operation and a "drill tool" where you use a low power setting on the plasma cutter, and mark those point, insert a code snippit to stop the operation after that so you can turn up the power on the plasma cutter and then cut the outside profile. The Avid post processor will ignore any drill operations and the Avid Mach 4 needs to see the Avid post in the header line to accept the G code. I've talked to Avid and though they don't support what I'm trying to do, they suggested doing the center punch and code snippit in a different post processor, copying that and insert it just below the Avid header in Mach. I'm just checking to see if I can switch off the Mach needing to see the Avid header and using a different post processor to accomplish center punching the material because for small holes, a drill will make a much cleaner hole than the plasma. Thanks in advance.