Dear all,
first of all Merry Christmas and happy New Year.
My name is Gianluca form Italy.
Preface: I'm totaly new in cnc world.
I would like to build a lathe for fishing float, closer to this: this lathe i need two independent spindles ( one is stepper, because i need not so torque, as also you can see) If you look with attention in the video the guy set S command and the first spindle starts at S speed value, but also the 2nd spindle starts with some speed equal to S/x ratio.
This is maby a not so elegant solution ( you cannot control the 2nd spindle speed but i can accept it )
Is it possible to control with mach 3 two independent spindle, using maby also A axes (avoiding to inclute during G-code)?
PS oh yes, one can do this using G-code including well computed A revoultions in each code row i.e:
G0 X10 Z-2 A600
G0 X10.1 Z-2 A600
G0 X10.2 Z-2 A600
Thank you in advance for help