I cant quite understand a couple of things. Mach 3 Turn.
4 post auto turret and the tool offsets appear to work but when I do a manual MDI toolchange the offsets dont appear to change in the DROs but I trust it works and it has been. I dont like just "trusting" something that only appears to work during an operation but it is what it is.
Today after homing the machine, I machined a part to gage accuracy. It ended up 0.1mm dia too small. So I jogged the tool to 0.1 and zeroed the DRO for the X axis. I restarted Mach, clicked "save offsets or fixture" And then restarted Mach 3. The X DRO did not come back at zero but with an offset like 28.0950 or something. I have no idea why? This was when using the mastertool. Is this a user error or a setting or?
I did wonder if I should have done a toolchange even though the tool was correct. Its disappointing when we being to mistrust our gear what should I do?
Really hope someone responds because this is a massive time waster. Please? Thanks in advance.