More often than not on this forum, guys try to make mach's backlash compensation take care of way too many machine mechanical problems, which it can't totally solve. If you have a ton of X axis backlash because you are trying to use the original leadscrew instead of a decent ballscrew, you will never really be happy. The more X axis backlash you have, the slower you will have to run the spindle while threading, and a lot of other functions as well. Note too, that there is a setting for backlash compensation speed, which may help here a little. And, when threading (screwcutting) manually, I always cut a small relief groove the depth of the thread at the end point to save the tool and to give somewhere to be able to time the end of cut, so you are not really much worse off if your backlash problems are causing this anyway. As to the use of a damper on an axis, I have never seen this used, the servo/ stepper is your damper in conjunction with acceleration/ Decell speeds set properly.