I'll repeat my previous comment....I don't have a gantry machine so I can at best tell you how I understand the ESS to work.
Firstly note that Homing is a realtime operation and must perforce be done by the ESS, and it does so autonomously.
If you have a gantry with two motors, say motor1 and motor2, one will be the Master and one will be the Slave. This is done on the
Configure/Control/AxisMapping tab.
When you Home an axis with dual motors you use Configure/Control/HomingSoftLimits tab. You would ascribe equal priority to the two motors.
For instance you might ascribe the X axis (motor0) as priority 1, the two Y axis motors (motor1 and motor2) ascribe them priority 2, and the Z axis (motor3) as priority 3.
You will need a Home switch for each Y axis motor. Most take this to mean that you require two switches, and that is the normal intent, but need not be the case.
Each motor will have a Home signal, motor1Home and motor2Home....but both of those signals could be populated or driven by just one switch. Why you would
do so is a good question, but the important point is to understand that each motor requires its own Home signal......but need not have an individual switch, or another
way of saying it the one switch could 'drive' more than one signal.
So now when the Y axis is being Homed both motor1 and motor2 are unlinked, that is to say that the Master/Slave relationship is temporarily broken. Both motors are simultaneously
driven towards the home location, and must obviously be driven at the same speed or the gantry would be hopelessly skewed. Both motors will drive until each one
activates its own home switch as indicated by its Home signal whereon that motor will stop. Then both motors will back up until its Home switch deactivates. Note that this would mean
that each end of the gantry would be homed to its switch. If the switches are out of square then the gantry will also be out of square.
This is where you ask can one or other of the motors be backed off some additional distance to accommodate that the switches are not square? I don't know, that is a question you should ask
Andy on the Warp9 forum. It may be possible and then it would just be a case of making the right settings and the problem is solved.
There is another way that this could be done, and if the ESS cannot do it autonomously then this method will certainly work but requires you code it in Lua.
In the Mach API (Mach4Hobby/Docs/Mach4CoreAPI) there are these functions:
LUA Syntax:
rc = mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(
number mInst,
number axisId,
number motor)
Unmap the motor from the axis.
LUA Syntax:
rc = mc.mcAxisMapMotor(
number mInst,
number axisId,
number motorId)
Map a motor to an axis.
So these APIs allow you to programmatically link and unlink Master and Slave motors. Just as a matter of interest this is impossible in Mach3. What this means now is you
can 'jiggle' each motor independently back and forth a wee bit until you are happy that the gantry is perfectly square. Then you link the together again, that is to say you restore the Master/Slave
relationship. As a added bonus you can use:
LUA Syntax:
rc = mc.mcAxisGetHomeInPlace(
number mInst,
number axisId,
number homeInPlace)
Set the axis' Home In Place flag.
You can use this to allow the two motors, now perfectly square, to be Homed, ie the machine coordinates of both motors being set to zero and then set the HomeInPlace flag
back to normal. Note that if you choose not to do this then the machine coordinates of the two motors will not be the same. Lets say for instance the the Master is Homed
and therefore its machine coordinate at its Home switch will be 0, ie normal. But you Slave motor has been 'jiggled' 0.1mm to square the gantry and so its machine coordinates
will be -0.1mm.
If you used a g53 move say:
g53 g0 y342 for example both Y axis motors would drive to machine coordinate 342mm, and the 0.1mm skew that you had carefully corrected out of it would now be forced back into the
gantry....rather counter productive.
All in all the APIs that allow you to link and unlink motors and the HomeInPlace feature can be used to code some very sophisticated squaring routines, well beyond what any motion
control like an ESS might be expected to do. This is where you might get a taste of the true power of Mach4....you can code it to do things which have been hithertofore considered impossible.