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Author Topic: combining two G76 commands into one command? Is this possible and if yes: how?  (Read 7345 times)

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Offline eef

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Using mach3, I am threading some screw with a tapered end. It should have very fine pitch.
For this I use these two commands:
G76 X2.15 Z-1.9 Q1 P0.35 J0.1 L30 H0.15 I29 C0.025 B0.02 T10 ; (tapered part)
G76 X2.7 Z-8 Q1 P0.35 J0.1 L30 H0.15 I29 C0.025 B0.02  ; (normal part)
As you see the tapered part is 1,9 mm and the normal part 8mm.
This works fine, but one issue: In between the two commands the Z-movement stops for some milliseconds, causing a glitch in thread. So I am searching for a way that the two are combined into one command:
G76 threading, first tapered then seamingless over to the normal part, so I get one nice long thread,

How can this be done? Regards, Eef