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Author Topic: ESS + Mach4 - feedrate problem  (Read 1117 times)

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ESS + Mach4 - feedrate problem
« on: August 14, 2022, 04:49:31 AM »
few days ago I did upgrade ESS plugin from 235 to 282 (quite huge change - had to instal new instance of mach4 (right now Everything seemed fine but yesterday I ran my milling machine and some problem with feedrate occured.

In the begining of code there are two feedrates, 450 and 1273. For some reason machine want to go faster than feedrate declared in the code - (at FRO 100% - there was like over 3000 mm/min - 3500 is max on my machine) and motors lost steps. Finally, I had to work with FRO at 30-50% to finish the job but I don't know even where to look to find solution.

Begining of gcode:
(T11  D=5. CR=0. - ZMIN=-4.5 - FLAT END MILL)
G90 G94 G91.1 G40 G49 G17

S12732 M3
G0 X173.738 Y-79.926
G1 Z-0.01 F450.
X173.288 Y-80.784 Z-0.011 F1273.
X172.821 Y-81.507
X172.289 Y-82.196 Z-0.012
X171.616 Y-82.916 Z-0.013
X170.877 Y-83.566 Z-0.014

And what I have is:


Any clues?

Best regards,
Re: ESS + Mach4 - feedrate problem
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2022, 06:51:21 PM »
as your code is written I would expect the the X axis does 1273, or some close approximation, and the Y axis do the same, thus the blended speed is:

Blended speed= (12732+12732)1/2

Is that close to your observation?

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Re: ESS + Mach4 - feedrate problem
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2022, 09:20:57 AM »
Hi Craig,
thank you for reply. Unfortunately no, the feedrate was from 1700 to even 5000 depending on FRO in Mach (changing was quite fast, above 3000 mm/min stepper lost steps) but I think your right about how feedrate should be calculate. I'm programing in fusion and thought that 1200 will be "resultant" feedrate. Have to dive into this topic.
Thank you for clue.
Best regards,
Re: ESS + Mach4 - feedrate problem
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2022, 05:06:54 PM »
I'm interred in this thread, A few days ago our plasma cutter "feed rates" when out.  e.g. It appears that the feed rates are nearly doubled from what I'm requesting. I'm compensation in the CAM software for now but I would like to know what happened?

I wonder if it was a windows 10 update?

Is this related to your problem?
Re: ESS + Mach4 - feedrate problem
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2022, 12:42:07 AM »
@ispyisail - yep, it is related. Still dont know what is cause. My machine went crazy after update mach4 to 2nd version. At the moment I'm able to work with FRO at 50%, only with that configuration my feedrate is quite correct (+/-10%). I think I will report that problem to mach support.
Re: ESS + Mach4 - feedrate problem
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2022, 06:11:39 AM »
At the moment I'm able to work with FRO at 50%, only with that configuration my feedrate is quite correct (+/-10%).

I'm still to do some tests but my gut feeling is my FRO is about 50% as well.

The only thing that could have updated on my machine is "windows" My machines is dedicated and I try not to play with it.
Re: ESS + Mach4 - feedrate problem
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2022, 05:44:48 PM »
i use pokeys so i think i can help with nothing
but i can suggest try more press on yours hardware manufacture
first because its seam its real his problem
but second ( not less important) from days steave left this forum ,real answer from mach hard to get
its much useful for you try save time and look for answer in place maybi you can get them
Re: ESS + Mach4 - feedrate problem
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2022, 07:24:14 PM »

my previous post:

Blended speed= (12732+12732)1/2

is wrong. A subsequent conversation with another member, followed by experimentation tells us that Mach calculates the velocity as a vector sum of
the axis speeds and adjusts the axis speeds such that the commanded speed is the combined or blended speed.

Note also that the actual speed is derived (calculated) from the position data returned by the motion controller. If the motion controller is returning position
updates  lets say once a second, then if Mach sees a 17mm shift in position over that time it will calculate the feed rate as 17 x 60 =1020 mm/min for example.

This morning I experimented with my machine with a g1 x100 f100 move. The machine duly moved but the reported speed was 123mm/min. This rather suggests that the ESS
is constrained to do integer arithmetic and 123mm/min is about as close as it can get.  Note that I then tried  g1 x100 y100 f100, and the combined or blended speed was the same,
namely 123mm/min. Within the discrepency caused by integer arithmetic I am happy that Mach is doing its thing.

May I suggest that you experiment with your machine to establish whether Mach is producing the right trajectory OR the ESS is not applying it correctly.

I am now of the opinion that the ESS is causing the issue you describe, in particular that its misapplying the FRO parameter.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'


Re: ESS + Mach4 - feedrate problem
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2022, 08:53:13 AM »
Hey guys,
I'm just poking in here to let you know we do know about these reported issues.
However my guess is a version mis match between your newly updated MACH build and the motion controller plugin you're using.
4612 is the newest public release from MACH, however we're working on a new build currently and are hoping to have it out soon.
The build will include surface map UI, HOBBY probing UI, trace improvements, a diagnostics wizard and finally some screen design changes.
(I'm sure I'm forgetting some other things)
We've been hard at work and hope to have a new build very soon that will solve some of these plugin mis match issues.
I would try an FTP version to see if it fixes your feedrate issues. Thats where I would start.