for my next project I want to retrofit a bridgeport mill,max feedrates on rapid will be about 3-4mpm
I am using 500 watt servo's with 2048 count encoders ( 8193 pulses to deal with)
I would like to use gecko 340's with 10 x dividers. My problem is going to be lost steps on direction
changes.I figure if I use exact stop rather than CV that will go some way to helping.
I appreciate that I could use a higher kernal speed,but for the sake of reliability with the computer I'm
using I dont want to go above 45khz.
What I really need to do is make mach3 pause for 1/4 second between direction changes especially rapids
Is this possible? I have bought Mach so can I get into the code somehow and do this?
I really dont want to have to put a G4 between every move,as a toolmaker I do alot of programing
and that would be very tiring!