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Author Topic: Need Help for Mach4/PoKeys/JMC Plasma-CNC, THC Cutting Start interrupted  (Read 946 times)

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I have an unusual problem with the Plasma Cutting Start process in Mach4 (version
The process is started with the M3 command. But on my machine only sometimes the probing process is interrupted and the error message "Can't transition from PROBING to RUNNING" appears.
I have described the problem and my machine in the following video.


I would be grateful for any ideas and help.

This could be an issue with the pokeys plugin. Are you running the recommended plugin version for the mach4 build you are using?
Hello SwiftyJ  :)

Thank you very much for the quick answer.

I got the message from Polabs today that I am using the correct version of the plugin.
So it can't be that.
I found out that the error message appears during the G31 command. But it does not happen regularly.

Here is a little Update:

I have been in contact with the Polabs-team. There is indeed a newer plugin that is not yet released.

I have completely reinstalled the Pokeys57cnc with the new plugin. But unfortunately the error is still there, without any changes.

I also tried to use a different input port for the probe signal (pin no. 16), but that was also unsuccessful.

In another attempt, I installed a relay directly next to the Pokeys57cnc and switched the Porbe input with it.
But that didn't work either.

The only change I could observe so far was when I installed a PC with a faster CPU.
Normally I use a laptop with a 1.86GHz CPU. (the one from the video)
For a test, I borrowed a PC with a 2.9GHz CPU, with which the error occurred much less frequently.

What kind of error could it be that depends on the computing speed of the PC's CPU?

Thanks for your support! :)
Try with ohmic off and use a custom macro or try it manual to see if do the same.