I've never bothered with a charge pump....ever, not when I used Mach3 and parallel ports, nor Mach4 and an ESS.
The idea was that with a parallel port it was possible some outputs were active even before Mach had powered up and started to run. The charge pump was to stop those
inadvertently active outputs from causing movement or the spindle running, for safety.
If you are careful about your use of ESS and the breakout board there should be NO active outputs unless and until Mach is active and running, and therefore the
charge pump achieves nothing. I have always been careful to design my machines such that as the machine is powering up, but before Mach is up and running and in charge
the machine does not move nor any equipment like the spindle or pumps run.
An Estop is an emergency stop for whatever reason. If you stopped Mach then the charge pump would, after a few hundred milliseconds, stop and therefore the machine would stop.
To my mind a few hundred millisecond is too slow, an Estop should be immediate. For an Estop a software and/or hardware Estop is required.
Good machine design renders a charge pump obsolete.