Just a though, was it hung in the probing routine? If I didn't exit the probing clean, I'd hit the escape key to end it for sure.
Brett the diags page did not show the probe to be made. I used the escape key two or three different times but it still didn't clear.
Let me go over this again in a little more detail to see if you or anyone can give me an answer. When positioned over the guitar body, my dro's read appromixately the following. x16.???Y14.???z-2.0642........I can remember that one too clearly! I wanted to have my z zero'ed .250" over the top surface of the guitar. I jogged down till I touched the guitar body, backed off, and came in slowly with mdi and got it within .001" of the surface. I then raised the z by .250" and zero-ed the z dro. I then tried to access the 3d probe plugin but it gave the spals screen warning that a previous sequence was not finished. I looked at the diags page and the probe led was not lit, which it would have been if switch had been made, or in my case broken. I tried two or three times to escape but I only got a beep alarm and nothing else.
That's when I decided to home the machine to x0y0z0. Knowing that the current z0 was too low, I hit the machine co-ordinates button and the z dro again read z-2.0462. This is where I assumed.......I had correctly prepped the machine to move to the home position in all three axis, which it did. the problem was that once at that location the z axis dropped crashing my probe tip. It did this as a rapid move too, which did not give me time to abort.