Bitsensor does NOT work with Mach4, it doesn't matter whether its $20 or $200 or $2000, it still won't bloody work.
My machine requires 16 outputs minimum, and 22 inputs minimum, or a total of 38IOs. The ESS has a total of 51, so its well used,
with a small margin. Can Bitsensor do 38 IOs?
My servos require a max Step pulse rate of 416kHz, and my C axis at full speed requires 466.7 kHz, can Bitsensor keep up?
Clearly Bitsensor does as you require and that's good news. Perhaps you could take some time to explain, or better still help, those
whom have bought one and can't get it to work. There is very little in the way of published information about them and no manufacturers support.
If I have an issue or question with the ESS I can go to the manufacturers forum and ask Andy, the tech guy who programs the ESS, or at need, Greg, the guy
designed and built the ESS. These guys have been in the business of designing, manufacturing, selling and supporting the SmoothStepper
form it inception 12 plus years ago, you can't beat that support.