Right. Received those bits & pieces and can now confirmed the True RPM index pulse and the whole installation overhaul is indeed working (Art's parallel driver, Win7-x86, Mach3 R3.043.066).
That (inexpensive) motion control board however, no comment. No RC snubber, no buffer, nothing on the inputs/outputs, etc, straight up and so spikes AC in at -1.2V below ground and DC in 6.3V @n.freq here and there! Not all that personal computer friendly but still World's Marvels worthy...
Mach3 on the other hand is absolutely epic. Getting a stable and adjustable motor PWM output (set at 1kHz), sending 5Hz 5% duty cycle PWM via a function generator; everything-just-works, certainly does the job!
So. Next.
HOW TO GET THE TRUE SPINDLE PULSE WORKING VIA SOFTWARE/API?! That part is still not working, and the feature which I desperately need to achieve. Not cool
Contact Artsoft during business hours and see if they are keen on giving hints? In a meantime I'm all up to hear from anyone who made that work, that'd be much appreciated guys. Thanks