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Author Topic: Mach4 V4612 with 7766 HiCON and Huanyang Spindle Inverter  (Read 1716 times)

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Offline Mauri

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Mach4 V4612 with 7766 HiCON and Huanyang Spindle Inverter
« on: April 23, 2021, 03:24:04 PM »
Does anyone have the combination of Mach4 V4612 with 7766 HiCON and Huanyang Spindle Inverter.
I can get everything to function except Spindle Start.
S24000 starts the Inverter and sets it to do 24000RPM
But when the M03 processes the spindle it will not start.
All the other functions work as well as the X/Y/X/A 4 motors.
It will process a full engraving cut in the air with no Spindle start.
If anyone has theirs working please provide me with the functioning scripts so I can get mine to work.
Re: Mach4 V4612 with 7766 HiCON and Huanyang Spindle Inverter
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2021, 02:04:36 AM »
I’m not clear - are you using S********* to start the inverter and hence the spindle? It sounds as though you are from what you’ve written. The inverter should be on before you run any g-code.
Assuming your inverter is running, then something like M3 S12000 in the MDI will start the spindle. If that doesn’t work then:
Check your analog speed control connections are correct (though it sounds as though they may be ok).
Check that you have the FOR and DCM connections wired up correctly to the controller.
Check your parameters are correct. There is loads of info on parameter setting on the net and you have to check they apply to your model, but for starters check that PD01 and 02 are set to accept commands from an external source. Also check PD070 is set to 0 so it recognises the 0-10v analog input.

Offline Mauri

  •  328 328
Re: Mach4 V4612 with 7766 HiCON and Huanyang Spindle Inverter
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2021, 03:43:55 PM »
Thanks for your reply.
With older versions of Mach4 everything works.
So there is nothing wrong with the hardware and Mach4 settings to run the spindle as they are the same as with the new Mach4 version.
I start the Mach4 and then the Controller.
When I turn om the Inverter on the Controller the Inverter starts with the setting of Zero.
When I start the G-Code and it reaches S24000 is measures 10V through to the Inverter.
The next step M03 should do the short to activate the spindle, however this does not happen.
So this signal is not doing this step.
If I do the short manually at the Inverter then the spindle starts.
Any more help would be appreciated.
Re: Mach4 V4612 with 7766 HiCON and Huanyang Spindle Inverter
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2021, 04:52:13 PM »
All I can suggest is that you check the output from the HiCON. Presumably you’re using one of the relay outputs on J12, so maybe put an led or a multimeter across the RLx and GND pins and see what happens.