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Author Topic: Analog Outputs not working  (Read 2524 times)

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Analog Outputs not working
« on: December 07, 2020, 12:04:09 PM »
I have had to do an upgrade to my machine because of a failure in m motion controller card. I have installed a Vital System DSPMC/IP V3  controller, and have upgraded Mach 4 to the latest version I have installed the plugins for the controller into Mach. In the plugin configuration (Hicon 2.50.12), motors have been configured for control output type - Analog
  • , (* is motor number).

Mach 4 is unable to control or command the drive movement with this configuration.

I am able to drive motors in both directions by issuing a voltage output command on the appropriate analog output channel, so I can confirm that the DSPMC board and analog channels as well as my drives are functioning. Just no control from Mach4.

I have another system that functions with analog drives but is with older version of Mach4 and DSPMC/IP V2.

Has analog functionality been removed or am I missing something?

Re: Analog Outputs not working
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2020, 02:07:49 PM »

First I would recommend performing a factory reset on the system tab of the HiCON plugin. Then, set the output type for your motor to analog and set the feedback source to encoder. You must have set a feedback source for analog motor control. You must also enable PID and configure the PID values.

Confirm that the motor is configured correctly by performing a test motion on the motor's tab in the plugin window. (Apply settings before attempting testmotion.)

Confirm that the encoder is working properly by viewing the Encoder counters in the HiCON status window.

Assuming that the test motion is successful, confirm in the control window in Mach that the axis is mapped to the corresponding motor and that the motor has been configured in the Motors tab.

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