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Author Topic: Using THC Touch Off limit for Drill Pause  (Read 1629 times)

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Using THC Touch Off limit for Drill Pause
« on: December 03, 2020, 09:55:44 AM »

I had a friend bring over a CNC Plasma table he needed to get functioning. He purchased the table and nothing in Mach 3 was setup. Vendor was no help. I was able to setup Mach 3 on the machine and all is functioning. He now wants to use the machine to do a repetitive drill function in some thin 1/2" square tubes. He modified the THC slider plate to hold a hand drill. I wanted to use the original THC slider plate limit to sense when the drill has lifted the slider plate up and pause the drill cycle until it drills thru the top and then pause when it hits the bottom until the bit drills thru to final depth. What would be the easiest way to setup this up so it functions without something in a post processor? I am not good at basic or Macros but I figured this would be an easy question to post here. Thanks in advance!