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Author Topic: Getting a Handle on Tool Height  (Read 1560 times)

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Getting a Handle on Tool Height
« on: October 09, 2020, 02:43:04 PM »
I recently adapted a scope rail to hold my XYZ probe and added a tool height setter to the back corner of my table. I have viewed a ton of scripts/macros and I am still not quite getting a handle on how to get mine to go from the probe settings, mainly Z of course, to adding a tool and then transitioning over to the height setter and probing the tool to generate an offset so the tool knows where the top of the material is.
I have set up a G59 of the XY zeroed above the height probe so I can easily get to it and I am not sure if that's a good way to go but it gives me a table setting I can reference...I do a Z (XY Centering as well) probe first in G54 of course and then do my probe center to spindle center offset, switch to G59 and go X0Y0 after which I execute the Tool Height script below and I'm trying to get that delta between the stock top and the tool tip into G54 but it is not going too well. I can't quite seem to sort out which setting I need to modify in the script I am using currently.
The script is attached below and originates with the verser series of Mach 3 probing scripts and everything else has worked very well:
I have my probe as tool 99 as it is a requirement though easy enough to change it works fine for me and use Tool 1 for my testing.
I keep getting a zero height of the Tool Height setter so I am missing something just not quite sure which...

Offline TPS

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Re: Getting a Handle on Tool Height
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2020, 03:30:59 PM »
it was a Little hard to follow your code, but where are you saving the result of the actual tool hiegt Back to tooltable?
« Last Edit: October 09, 2020, 03:41:46 PM by TPS »
anything is possible, just try to do it.
if you find some mistakes, in my bad bavarian english,they are yours.
Re: Getting a Handle on Tool Height
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2020, 05:40:22 PM »
I am struggling with this as well but it's part of the Macro set from the Probe Wizard set and incorporated into a screen set from Physics Anonymous well suited to touchscreens that I like quite a bit actually but there is something fundamentally missing here as it seems as though the Z Probing and the Tool setting are working with the same code so I am thinking more along the lines of a fundamental flaw here.
Screen set is http://www.physanon.com/pa-mach-3-screen-set/:
Again the goal remains the same though and I think many of us feel the same so it has to be there I am thinking

I want to set a part....XYZ probe it to locate and then insert a tool and have that tool tip know where the Z height I just established in the probe cycle.

So far the XYZ probing has worked wonderfully but here I am at a wall.

Offline TPS

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Re: Getting a Handle on Tool Height
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2020, 02:50:38 AM »
ok i try to explai, how i do it.

you have your XYZ probe and the tool setter. and you have to have a referenced machine.
your XYZ probe is the master tool, let's say tool99.
put a fixed toollength of 100mm in tooltable for tool99.

-now you do a probing with the XYZ probe at the tool setter.
-after probing your read the machine coord for Z-axis and store it in a OEMDRO (for example 150mm)
-anounce tool99 to System by G43H99
-now you can do a z probing of workpice surface with XYZ probe and Zero z for G54

-now insert next tool in this example tool1 and do a probe at tool setter
-let's say tool1 probes at machine coord for Z-axis 140mm

now you know tool1 is 10mm shorter than mastertool99.
fixed toollength of mastertool is 100mm so toollenght for tool1 is 90mm.
now, if toollenght for tool1 (90mm) is entered in tooltable, and toollenght is set
via G43H1 Mach will compensate this.

all this can be done within a macro.

hope i was able to explain the difference between Auto Tool Zero and Tool Lenght Compensation.

anything is possible, just try to do it.
if you find some mistakes, in my bad bavarian english,they are yours.