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Author Topic: DIY CNC with ClearPath Servos  (Read 3846 times)

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Offline Darko

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DIY CNC with ClearPath Servos
« on: October 07, 2020, 06:51:46 PM »
Hi Everybody,

Looking for some help with wiring the Clearpath servos. I am building my first DIY CNC and I am struggling with the correct wiring. I'm not good at reading and understanding schematics (I am a woodworker) so if somebody can explain this to me like I'm a 5-year-old.

I have Ethernet Smooth Stepper (ESS) attached to the MB3 board and I have a 1000v toroidal power supply


I need to use 4 motors, Z, Y, Y, X. Two Y motors should be running parallel with each other. The MB3 board has 4 connections for each axes. But Servo motor is showing 8 wires coming out for connection to MB3 and 4 power connections to the power supply.

The Clearpath servo manual is suggesting to wire power to servos in a star formation so I'm assuming each wire going directly from the power supply to each motor. I'm also assuming the RED wire going to "+" and the BLACK wire going to "-" on my power supply.


As far as controlling the motor you can see in the picture that the Z-axis has 4 connections on the MB3 board but the servo motor has 8. How do I connect these 8 wires?

Is there somebody that has a similar setup and can share pictures or drawings of motor connections?
I looked at the manual from ESS and Clearpath and I do not understand it



Offline TPS

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Re: DIY CNC with ClearPath Servos
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2020, 03:39:30 AM »
in the Clearpath documentation i found the pinout of the connector is:

4 enable+
8 enable-

3 Input A+
7 Input A-

2 Input B+
6 Input B-

1 HLFB (Output)+
5 HLFB (Output)-

you will Need to wire Enable+/Enable- do a normal Output

Input A+/Input A- is the Direction signal

Input B+/Input B- is the Pulse signal

HLFB (Output)+/HLFB (Output)- is not needed, only for indexed homing.

anything is possible, just try to do it.
if you find some mistakes, in my bad bavarian english,they are yours.

Offline Darko

  •  13 13
Re: DIY CNC with ClearPath Servos
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2020, 07:35:48 PM »
Thanks for your reply TPS.

Yes, I got the same thing from the manual but i do not know anything about electronics and schematics.

I think I know how to connect the power to the motors now, I will use a block to connect all 4 motors and wire it then to the power supply.

On the MB3 board, for example, Z-axis has ZS+  ZS-  ZD+  ZD-

If i understand you correctly i wil connect:

3 Input A+ to ZD+
7 Input A- to ZD-
2 Input B+ to ZS+
6 Input B- to ZS-

Does this looks correct so far?


I'm not going to connect HLFB + and - for now. I would like to use home/limit switches in the future. Hopefully once this basic stuff is connected and working.

"you will Need to wire Enable+/Enable- do a normal Output"

I don't understand what this means. Do these two have to go to one of the input or output circuits?


Thank you for your help


Offline TPS

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Re: DIY CNC with ClearPath Servos
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2020, 03:03:18 AM »
If i understand you correctly i wil connect:

3 Input A+ to ZD+
7 Input A- to ZD-
2 Input B+ to ZS+
6 Input B- to ZS-

that is correct

"you will Need to wire Enable+/Enable- do a normal Output"

for example:
Enable+ to 24V on MB3 board
Enable- to Y301 on MB3 board

then go to Config -> Ports&Pins -> Output Signals

line Enable1    activate Enabled , Port ->3 , Pin -> 1

anything is possible, just try to do it.
if you find some mistakes, in my bad bavarian english,they are yours.

Offline Darko

  •  13 13
Re: DIY CNC with ClearPath Servos
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2020, 10:12:53 PM »
Thanks, TPS.
I will try this weekend.


Offline Darko

  •  13 13
Re: DIY CNC with ClearPath Servos
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2020, 06:45:57 PM »
TPS Thank you very much for your help!

I did everything you suggested and I got all motors temporarily connected and working.
However, I ran into a problem.

I configured and tuned the z-axis motor according to Clearpath instructions and it is working great and it is very quiet.
I did the same for the x-axis and everything is running great.

I could not run tuning for y1 and y2 motors so I loaded up the X tuning file and used that on my Y motors, is this ok?
Is there a better way to do this, I feel like, if I was to run Y tuning with one motor attached it will destroy my frame. The tuning process seemed violent and loud.

I ran into a problem that I can't solve

My Y1 is on the left side and Y2 is on the right side
The y2 seems to be running good but Y1 is making this super loud noise when I'm trying to rapid across the table. Mechanically everything is fine, the motor is turning correctly. If I stop, the noise does not go away, if I touch the ballscrew i can feel the vibration and if I grab it firmly the loud noise stops. This repeats next time I move across the table.

This only happens on the left side Y1 spot. I tried swapping power cables and signal cables, I tried swapping motors. I temporarily grounded motor chasey and block that is holding ball screw and this did not help

I got super excited and purchased limit switches to install next but now I feel like I should not go any furder until I resolve this.

Help :(

I have a short video here so you can see what is happening.



Offline TPS

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Re: DIY CNC with ClearPath Servos
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2020, 02:31:19 AM »
try to reduce the P (or gain) sorry dont know the wright english word, of the Motor on the clerpath.
anything is possible, just try to do it.
if you find some mistakes, in my bad bavarian english,they are yours.

Offline Darko

  •  13 13
Re: DIY CNC with ClearPath Servos
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2020, 01:12:59 PM »
Thanks, TPS,

This morning I went and ran clearpath servo calibrating software again and this time everything is working great, super quiet.
Had no idea how quiet motors are, rails and ball screws are louder than motors! Super happy!

Thanks for your help
