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Author Topic: XHC MK3-ET motion card motors and general outputs setup in mach3  (Read 11889 times)

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XHC MK3-ET motion card motors and general outputs setup in mach3
« on: December 08, 2019, 06:53:43 AM »
Hi everybody,

I'm new on this forum trying to find answers that I cannot get from XHC....
I'm building up a 3 axis CNC and I am at the final stages...mach3 motors, inputs and outputs setup...
No problems for the inputs, I did it with no issues...
As for the motor and general output setup I can get throu it, and hope some of you can help me...

what's are the pin numbers to put in mach3 for X-Y-Z motors??
Again, what's are the pin numbers to put into mach3 for controlling MK3-ET 3-8 outputs??

I can't get this data from any manuals, that's incredible.....

Somebody using these cards can help me?

« Last Edit: December 08, 2019, 06:55:38 AM by Adriano »
Re: XHC MK3-ET motion card motors and general outputs setup in mach3
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2019, 12:18:25 PM »
Just 2 hours after asking for help I found the answers by my self!
I write the solution here so everybody can see it:

outputs 1 to 8 in MK3-ET are respectively pins 0 to 7 into mach3 (inputs and outputs setup).

there is no need to input pin number for motor puls and dir... just put port number (which is no. 1 in my case).

that's it!

Instead, the following problem is to manage those outputs!
I wanted to use 2 outputs as enable outputs.. but no way, I can get these ports working as they should, ie. outputs enabled when the system is reset and no alarm is input...
on diagnostics, the enable leds are lit but the outputs on mk3 card don't work....

any suggestions?
