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Author Topic: Pokeys57e index (speed) signal not displaying in Mach3  (Read 7887 times)

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Pokeys57e index (speed) signal not displaying in Mach3
« on: January 09, 2020, 04:58:41 PM »
I hope someone can help with this....

I have a sensor next to my spindle and the signal is connected to a Polkeys57E. The pin is configured as the Index input. I can see the signal pulsing in Pokeys when the spindle is running. However the spindle speed always shows 0 in mach3. So somehow the link for that particular signal is being ignored. I have many other signals that are being passed back and forth between Mach3 and PoBlocks and they are all working just fine.

I have tried issuing the M03 command, no difference, and in Mach3 config, the index signal is set 0, 0, 0 and emulated, and reverts back emulated even if I uncheck it, so it appears Pokeys is forcing it to emulated likely because it's smart enough to know that this value is linked to the 57E

Any ideas?

What is the correct DRO # for the displayed spindle speed?

Thanks in advance
« Last Edit: January 09, 2020, 05:00:15 PM by slow-poke »