Notwithstanding the build quality which remains high I think the diminished support and buggy Mach4 plugin make CSMIO
hard to recommend at the prices demanded by them. Other manufacturers, Warp9TD, PMDX, PoKeys and CNCDrive all
produce cheaper boards with excellent support and a demonstrated commitment to Mach4.
Hi Craig, as it seems like you have a good experience on drivers I write to you again for asking advice...
I installed the P4-S pendant, It works great.....
now I have other issues to face, and don't know if this time the problem is the controller board...
it happens when I joge the X and Y axis manually;
Yesterday I was cutting a piece of wood as a try and I moved Y axis forward by 550mm;
when I moved back the axis by 550mm I didn't get to 0 point.... It missed something like 7mm!!!
The X and Y axis are run by professional Yaskawa servo+motor kit, so when a certain amount of steps are given to the servo, it is sure it will do that amount of steps...
I noticed that when I move the axis on "velocity mode" the acceleration is not that smooth; the axis does not accelerate smoothly as I accelerate the pendant rotation; instead it moves like a car that changes gear with no clutch!!
I will try to chang axis speed settings as well pendant setting in order to see if there is a wrong setting, however I doubt the the controller is just *********.... maybe I may change to CNC Technics Breakoutboard 3.4 + ESS Smoothstepper ....
Have you got any suggestions to give on software/parameter setup check-up before I go chang the hardware?