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Author Topic: 4th and 5th axis add on  (Read 3644 times)

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Offline cajgood

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4th and 5th axis add on
« on: October 21, 2019, 02:48:51 PM »
Hello Friends,

We have a MachMotion 3 axis control package we put on a surface grinder.
For the most part it does what we need.
The package we received was already set up so not a lot of configuring needed.
Well my boss got a cheap 4th and 5th axis fixture from Ebay that he want's me to hook up.
It has a table that rotates on 1 axis and a chuck the rotates on the other.
It came with 57HS76-3004A08-D25 stepper motors with 4 wires each.
Do I need to get drives for these or can the Apollo III control without drives?

Any help would be appreciated.