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Author Topic: Connecting SH-HC30 to Mach 3 , Need Help  (Read 1601 times)

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Connecting SH-HC30 to Mach 3 , Need Help
« on: October 18, 2019, 09:02:23 AM »
Good Morning,

I am attempting to connect a SH-HC30 to my mach 3 5 axis Bob & software, so far i have everything connected except for 3 wires coming from the THC, these are Manual UP, Manual DOWN, and AUTO, All 3 of these wires carry 24v DC and when grounded function accordingly, i have already connected "THC OK" and "Plasma Start" which are both working in mach as expected,

Normally the THC would tell mach to move the Z axis up or down depending on the voltage required, however this thc is designed to replace the Z axis and mach needs a way to ground out the "AUTO" wire then wait for the ARC OK signal , Then fire the plasma,

Is this something that can be done or do you think there is another way about it,

Let me know and thanks for your time , ive attached some docs.

Re: Connecting SH-HC30 to Mach 3 , Need Help
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2019, 07:11:21 AM »
Good Morning  wes709

I also want what you want but my device is different but the way no one responded and no one helped me please I want to help my device is down and I want to solve this problem