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Author Topic: Power Supply  (Read 1264 times)

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Power Supply
« on: September 10, 2019, 06:17:17 AM »
Hi everyone,

Ok here is some background.  We have 7 EZ-Router CNC machines in our shop.  We run production, 40 hours a week.  We turn them on Monday, get them homed and running and dialed in.  Then they stay on all week and get turned off Friday.  We have done this for years.

We have one machine that, when the power goes out and comes back on, the machine itself is on, but not the computer.  For whatever reason, before the computer "takes control" of the machine, the x-axis motor wants to run.  As you can see, if there is an outage while everyone is gone for the night, that is a problem.  None of the other machines do this.

So I'm not very good with electrical stuff, but I have to figure out how to preclude this from happening.  Is there a setting in Mach3 I should be looking at?  How about in the control box?

The only other thing I can think of is, would there be some sort of "breaker" or some switch that could turn the machine off permanently in the event of an outage?  That way the machine is just off and could be turned on again the next day when we get back in?

Any help or suggestions appreciated.

Re: Power Supply
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2019, 02:08:20 PM »
yes there is a very commonly used circuit in Electrical practice to do that. It called a self latching contactor.
Any electrician will set up a contactor so that you hit a start button to energize the machine. The same circuit will have
a stop button also or could even be an Estop button. If the power drops out the contactor will drop out also and even when
power is restored the machine will NOT be energized until someone hits the start button again.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Re: Power Supply
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2019, 06:37:05 AM »
That is perfect.  Thank you!