Hello all.
I am trying to display the current xyz coordinates on arduino. For now, I can only light the led on arduino. Could someone more knowledgeable in the subject support me with the arduino code and information on how and what to do? I don't expect anyone to do it for me but any help will be helpful.
I use arduino code from this forum and it works very well. But I have no idea how to display xyz coordinates.
Below is the code I have on arduino:
Modbus Slave designed for Mach 3 CNC Software
Written by: Tim W. Shilling, March 4, 2012.
Released into the Public Domain
// Supportted Functions
// 1: Read Coil
// 2: Read Descrete Input
// 3: Read Holding Reg
// 4: Read Input Reg
// 5: Write Single Coil
// 6: Write Single Reg
// 7 Read Exception
// 15: Write Multiple Coils
// 16: Write Multiple Holding Reg
// Notes on Timing:
// Original Design implemented Timer 1 and 0, but these conflict with the PWM generators
// Timers dropped for millis and micros functions. Not as accurate but fine for this purpose
// WH4004A Test Program: WinStar 40x4 LCD
// using Enhanced LiquidCrystal440.h
// Since the pinouts are different from Forum sample 40x4 LCDs
// Available nkcelectronics.com. Data sheet WH4004A-YYH-JT.pdf
// To adjust contrast, 10K pot between GND and +5V, wiper W to lcd 12
// LCD Func Arduino Desc pins Dan Magorian 10/19/2010
// 1 DB7 12 Data bus line
// 2 DB6 11 Data bus line
// 3 DB5 10 Data bus line
// 4 DB4 9 Data bus line
// 5 DB3 Data bus line
// 6 DB2 Data bus line
// 7 DB1 Data bus line
// 8 DB0 Data bus line
// 9 E1 4 Chip enable signal, lcd lines 1 & 2
// 10 RW 3 H: Read L: Write
// 11 RS 2 H: DATA, L: Instruction code
// 12 V0 W Contrast, gnd = full, too dark
// 13 VSS GND Ground for logic
// 14 VDD +5V Supply Voltage for logic
// 15 E2 5 Chip enable signal, lcd lines 3 & 4
// 16 NC
// 17 LED+ Ext +5V Supply for fluor LED+ optional turn fluor on
// 18 LED- Ext GND Supply for fluor LED- optional turn fluor on
// If char blocks show black but nothing prints, adjust contrast pot,
// and check lcd pins 13 and 14: display may not be initialized.
// If alternate blocks and blank lines show, then neither of the controllers
// is properly initialized, check RW, E1, E2, or any of the connections
//################# INCLUDES #################
#include <Modbus_Slave.h> // Ensure you have included the libraries in the Arduino Libraries folder
#include <ArduinoModbus.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal440.h>
const int ledPin = LED_BUILTIN;
// LiquidCrystal lcd(rs,rw,enable1,enable2,d4,d5,d6,d7);
// Note: some Forum examples using LiquidCrystal440.h have wrong DB pins,
// eg DB0-DB3, or in wrong order. The top 4 work, in this order.
LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12);
//################# DEFINES ##################
#define Baudrate 9600 //Desired Baud Rate, Recommend, 9600, 19200, 56800, 115200
#define Freq 16000000 //Don't Touch unless using a differnt board, Freq of Processor
#define Slave_Address 0x01 //Address of MODBus Slave
#define Kill_Time 2000 //2 Sec (2000msec) keep alive, 0 => OFF
//############ REGISTER DEFINES ############# // Each Register is 16bit
#define Digital_IO_Register 0
#define PWM_Register 10
#define AN_Register 30
#define Timer_Register 50
#define IO_Config_Register 60
#define Kill_IO_Register 70
#define PWMIOMap_Register 80
#define ANIOMap_Register 81
#define General_Config 90
#define Error_Register 91
#define Digital_IO_Pins 14 //Total number of Digital IO pins, Limits update scanner pin count
#define Number_Of_Registers 100
//############ GLOBAL VARIABLES ##############
unsigned char Data[256]; // All received data ends up in here, also used as output buffer
unsigned short Index = 0; // Current Location in Data
unsigned short Register[Number_Of_Registers]; // Where all user data, Coils/Registers are kept
ModBusSlave ModBus(Slave_Address,Register,Number_Of_Registers); // Initialize a new ModBus Slave, Again, you must have my Arduino ModBusSlave Library
unsigned long Last_Time=0;
unsigned long Time = 0;
unsigned long LongBreakTime; //Time for 3.5 characters to be RX
//################## Setup ###################
// Takes: Nothing
// Returns: Nothing
// Effect: Opens Serial port 1 at defined Baudrate
// Configures all Pins
// Initiallized Timer 1
void setup()
lcd.begin (40, 4);
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("MODBUS TEST:");
// configure the LED
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
//################ Initialize IO ################# // 0 => Output, 1 => Input, opposite of normal Arduino, but my habit from other platforms, 0 looks like an O and 1 looks like an I
Register[IO_Config_Register] = 0b0000000000000000; // UNO and MEGA PIN 00-15
Register[IO_Config_Register+1] = 0b0000000000000000; // MEGA PIN 16-31
Register[IO_Config_Register+2] = 0b0000000000000000; // MEGA PIN 32-47
Register[IO_Config_Register+3] = 0b0000000000000000; // MEGA PIN 48-64
Register[IO_Config_Register+4] = 0b1111111111111111; // AN Digital PIN A0-A16
//################ Kill IO Register ################# // 0 => Leave, 1 => Kill
Register[Kill_IO_Register] = 0b1111111111111111; // UNO and MEGA PIN 00-15
Register[Kill_IO_Register+1] = 0b1111111111111111; // MEGA PIN 16-31
Register[Kill_IO_Register+2] = 0b1111111111111111; // MEGA PIN 32-47
Register[Kill_IO_Register+3] = 0b1111111111111111; // MEGA PIN 48-64
Register[Kill_IO_Register+3] = 0b1111111111111111; // AN Digital PIN A0-A16
//################ PWM IO Register ################# // 0 => Normal I/O, 1 => PWM I/O
Register[PWMIOMap_Register] = 0b0000111001101000; // UNO and MEGA PWM 01-16
//################ AN IO Register ################# // 0 => Digital, 1=> Analog
Register[ANIOMap_Register] = 0b1111111111111111; // UNO and MEGA
LongBreakTime = (long)((long)28000000.0/(long)Baudrate);
if(Baudrate > 19200)
LongBreakTime = 1750; // 1.75 msec
Serial.begin(Baudrate); // Open Serial port at Defined Baudrate
Time = micros(); // Preload Time variable with current System microsec
//################ Main Loop #################
// Takes: Nothing
// Returns: Nothing
// Effect: Main Program Loop
unsigned long LongKillTime = (long)((long)Kill_Time * (long)1000); //Time ellapsed between RX that causes system Kill
unsigned long Keep_Alive = 0; // Keep Alive Counter Variable
void loop()
if(Keep_Alive >= LongKillTime){ // Communications not Received in Kill_Time, Execute Lost Comm Emerency Procedure
if(Kill_Time != 0){ // If Kill_Time is 0, then disable Lost Comm Check
Keep_Alive = LongKillTime; // Avoid Keep_Alive rollover
ModBus.Error = 0xff; // Set error code to Lost Comm
Register[Error_Register] = ModBus.Error; // Set Error Register
Kill_IO(); // Kill what should be killed
digitalWrite(13,1); // Indicate Error with Solid LED
Update_Pin_States(); // Update Digital Pins
Update_AN_States(); // Update Analog Pins
if(ModBus.Error != 0){ // Flash Error LED is ModBus Error != 0
digitalWrite(13,bitRead(Time,11)); // Toggle LED
else // If no Error
digitalWrite(13,0); // Turn off LED
//######################## RX Data ###############################
if (Serial.available() > 0) // If Data Avilable
Data[Index] = (unsigned char)Serial.read(); // Read Next Char
Keep_Alive = 0; // Reset Keep Alive counter
Last_Time = micros(); // Update Last_Time to current Time
Index++; // Move Index Counter Forward
//##################### Process Data #############################
if(Index > 0) // If there are bytes to be read
if(Keep_Alive >= LongBreakTime) // Transmission Complete, 3.5 char spacing observered
Register[Timer_Register] = (unsigned int)(millis() / 125.0); // Converts to 1/8sec and load into Register
ModBus.Process_Data(Data,Index); // Process Data
if(ModBus.Error == 0) // If no Errors, then...
Keep_Alive = 0; // Reset Keep Alive
Last_Time = micros(); // Set Last_Time to current time
else // If there was an error
Register[Error_Register] = ModBus.Error;// Set Error Code
Index = 0; // Reset Index to 0, no bytes to read
//################ Update Time #################
// Takes: Nothing
// Returns: Nothing
// Effect: Updates Timer Register
// Updates KeepAlive Count
void Update_Time()
Last_Time = Time; // Set Last_Time to Current Time
Time = micros();
if(Time < Last_Time) // Counter has rolled over, should take 70 Min
Last_Time = 0; // Introduces a small clitch in timing by not accounting for how bad the roll over was. Happens every 70 Min
// Result is Delta will be smaller than it should be, Kill and Character Spacing will be usec longer than they should
Keep_Alive += Time - Last_Time; // Increment Keep Alive counter
Register[Timer_Register] = (unsigned int)(millis() / 125.0); // Converts to 1/8sec and load into Register