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Author Topic: Mach4 5 Axis RTCP  (Read 10794 times)

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Mach4 5 Axis RTCP
« on: June 24, 2019, 02:59:45 AM »
Good Morning All
New to forum and only finding Mach3 posts about 5 axis

was wondering....how does Mach4 handle 5 axis tool specifically RTCP? (I see there is a plugin for Mach3)

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards
Re: Mach4 5 Axis RTCP
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2019, 03:44:57 AM »
this post should probably be on the main Mach4 Discussion board, more people will see it and respond.

how does Mach4 handle 5 axis tool specifically RTCP? (I see there is a plugin for Mach3

Not quite sure what you mean? Mach4 can have up to six axes moving in coordinated fashion, all that is required to do so
is Gcode to call all axes in use.

Displaying a tool path is a different matter. For instance a trunnion style 4th axis with an upward facing rotary axis would
produce a different looking tool path than a continuously rotating fourth axis sitting atop a rotating stage. Both are known
configurations of five axes yet have different toolpath displays.

To my knowledge Mach4 does not handle 4 and 5 axis  toolpath displays well. The best simulation you are likely to get for
the Gcode you have generated comes from the CAM simulator itself.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Re: Mach4 5 Axis RTCP
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2019, 01:31:26 AM »
Mach 4 not create the Rtcp you need ask yours cadcam supplier in the pp calculate it
As i know solidcam have it
I have now client interest in mine software and 4 axiss so i think ill add it in mine pp but this only 4 axiss
Re: Mach4 5 Axis RTCP
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2019, 06:40:20 AM »
Good Morning and sorry for the slow reply.

OK so most of the dedicated controllers has got a form of RTCP....this makes the setup and running of 5 axis tool-paths a lot simpler.
Simens Triatori
Fanuc G53.1

What this does is when you setup G54-G59 of any 5 axis tool path in your Cam software but you miss-align G54-G59 on the machine rotary table ( does not match your Cam setup exactly) By calling RTCP on the controller... the controller will then automatically adjust axis movement(Code) to ensure that the tip of the tool is always correct...

Without this your part setup needs to be better than 100%----
Is there a plugin maybe for Mach4 that handles this...not a problem without but it makes life a lot easier.

Simulation  and tool-path posting is handled via PowerMill so have that covered.

hope I make sense
Please feel free if anything unclear

here is link to explanation

Re: Mach4 5 Axis RTCP
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2019, 09:35:35 AM »
I don't think Mach4 has kinematics yet. 
Chad Byrd