Hi Friends
In our business had been using THC CAP04 module by Agelkom since 4 years now, but now with the new Mach4 the things has change, do you have a script or macro that replace the previous version for the module CAP04 on Mach3?
Previous Macro for mach3
Dim PierceHeight, PierceTime, Z_Min_Height, Z_Pos
PierceHeight = GetUserDRO(1000)
PierceTime = GetUserDRO(1001)
Z_Min_Height= GetUserDRO(1003)
code "G31Z"&(Z_Min_Height) // This will allow to continuously follow the curve on cutting material
While IsMoving()
Z_Pos = GetDro(2)
code "G1Z"&(Z_pos+PierceHeight) // This will allow to rise Piercing level
While IsMoving()
code "G4P1"
code "G4P"&(PierceTime) // Wait for Piercing. Config>GeneralConfig> check G04 Dwelli in ms box
I will apreciate