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Author Topic: Dual MPG configuration  (Read 7830 times)

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Dual MPG configuration
« on: May 02, 2019, 12:34:48 PM »
Hi All,

Recently I have started to update to Mach4 from Mach3 due to a host of issues that I don't want to get into. So far I have a Mach4 demo setup running well but have not been able to configure the MPG's. This is for a lathe setup that has dual MPG's.

Both MPG's are connected through the softencoder inputs on the DSPMC, with MPG0 being the X axis and MPG1 being the Z axis. MPG counts per detent are 4 for both.

In the DSPMC plugin I have MPG0 enabled for X and MPG1 enabled for Z. Inputs for both are left blank as it states on the plugin for permanently connected MPG's. Increment inputs are not configured yet because I can change the increment value from Mach4 jog screen.

Axis motion with either MPG causes the X axis to move only. The X axis motion is very unstable even when the increment value is set small for example 0.0001". All other motion during keyboard based jogging or programmed running is smooth as expected for both axis'.

Anyone have insight to MPG configuration using a DSPMC (softencoder input) and Mach4? What about dual MPG setups?
