I'm new to CNC so I purchased a running system HF1000 from CAU CAU. It was what I could afford and its a good starter machine.
The aim was to concentrate on the Design and make using Vetric products which I have managed to great satisfaction.
Unfortunately, I had the Dell XP computer drive become corrupted.
I had a recent drive backup and .XML files, however, this has failed to get me up and running again due to a corruption in the backup. The backup files are duff......
My only option left is to reconfigure the latest Mach3 copy I have downloaded from the main site.
This is where I get stuck as I have limited knowledge and scope of Mach3 software. Still learning the use of however I was wasn't needing anymore build projects as I have enough ongoing projects and a long-term illness.
Good help from Jan in Slovakia is not forthcoming due to the language barrier and the realisation that CNC1.EU is not a Josep Prusa operation. I have only been sent generic information.
Could be worse it could be a faceless china made machine manufacturer sent in Mandarin
http://www.cnc1.eu/files/images/stories/Profi4/Profi4%20Main%20Board%20Description.pdf This is the board and I have attempted to get the motor settings going with little success.
CONNECTIONS AS FOLLOWS P9,P8 = Z AXIS P7,P6 =Y AXIS P5,P4=X AXIS a connection to the spindle inverter off Relay P2.
Input menu has limit switches NC on X p10 Y P13 AND Z P15 WITH A COMMON GROUND on the fourway strip. These are presently not triggered.
I have the ports and pins filled out however it is not driving the steppers. I can only surmise there are still some settings that are wrongly configured.
Please can you help get me up and running
Based North of Forth Road bridge Scotland.