Make sure you are in the right mode ie; G94 or G95.
How close is your Kernal speed as compared to selected kernal speed in configuration?
- When you run the driver test in Mach3 it will show actual your actual Kernal Speed.
Some users have a kernal speed indication via a pulse frequency DRO on the diagnostics screen.
The closer the actual kernal speed to selected kernal the better.
- RPM is real time but there is a lag in what the DRO shows.
The rpm should not fluctuate, maybe 1 or 2 rpm, but, if the rpm varies the feedrate will vary.
You should check your actual rpm......Mach3 rpm indication is more accurate than a lot of rpm indicators!
The above is for Mach 3, but I don't use Win 10 / 64 bit, and don't know what version you are using, so
can't speak for that system.
BTW, There is a big difference in a visual movement of the axis for an feedrate between .2 and 1.5.
Try G1 Z...... F ( value .01 to 1.5 ) to realy get a visual flavor of actual movement.
You would plainly see it. Mach tries to maintain feedrate via rpm sampling.