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Author Topic: setting up uc100 on new router with gx540 running windows 7  (Read 991 times)

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setting up uc100 on new router with gx540 running windows 7
« on: November 22, 2018, 01:38:15 PM »
Trying to get Mach4 Demo to work with new router build,
everything worked with Mach3,
have license for Mach4 created 30-08-2014 did not have a newer computer to put it on
at that time, have the uc100 drivers and usb uc100, gecko 540 system built and did work
with Mach3 on older computer.
Wanting to get it up and running as soon as possible with easy effort,
would not be doing this, but the old dell computer running xp quit last nite.
Is there anyBODY wanting to guide me thur Setting up Mach4 with
UC100 to 540 out there I know you guys are sharper then Me at this.
Help says Mach4 Demo Version Unlicensed Build 3804
Do have the roadrunner.tap file loaded but but nothing works at the router as of now.
thanks JW