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Author Topic: Mach Z Axis dangerous behavior  (Read 1642 times)

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Offline mrpeja

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Mach Z Axis dangerous behavior
« on: September 09, 2018, 11:34:50 AM »
Forget to say, Windows XP is installed in ACPI mode

Offline ger21

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Re: Mach Z Axis dangerous behavior
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2018, 04:33:56 PM »
You also forgot to say what the problem is...

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Offline mrpeja

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Re: Mach Z Axis dangerous behavior
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2018, 04:44:22 PM »
I posted all about problem just before this post.
I don knew if it is proceeded to forum.
Here is a copy:

Hi, I need emergency help.
Until now, for long time, my Mach1 on PCB drill machine worked correctly but short time ago I have serious problems with Z axis.
After random number of correctly drilled hole, X an Y axes start moving BEFORE Z axis is out of hole and break my drill bit or scratch the surface. Recently, this happens
mostly after 67th or 68th hole (does i matter?).
After this, at every next hole this bad behavior continues  and I must stop the machine.
I have freshly installed Win XP at Asus P5KPL-AM SE motherboard, 4 Gb RAM, 1 Tb Sata disk, Parallel port card in PCI slot. Mach1 is Ver. 1.996 licensed.
I attached file I drill with.
I tried to insert G98 after G81 but all was the same. Once was worse, Z axis continues to go UP behind zero point !
So, I'm stuck, can't work.
Appreciate any idea.

Re: Mach Z Axis dangerous behavior
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2018, 12:46:23 AM »

X an Y axes start moving BEFORE Z axis is out of hole
I'm wondering if the Z axis is loosing steps.

When the fault ocurrs does the Z DRO go upwards to its safe height? It might be that Mach is requesting Z to go
upwards and out of the hole and it thinks it has and so starts to move X and Y but in fact the Z axis only retracted
part way.

Can you watch it and see if the Z DRO goes up but the machines Z axis does not?

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Offline ZASto

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Re: Mach Z Axis dangerous behavior
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2018, 10:07:16 AM »
Which software you use for PCB?
Which software you use to convert drill file to g-code?
Second, upgrade to Mach3. Your drill file backplots correctly im Mach3 and in CIMCO.

Many years ago I wrote a conversion software from Protel format to g-code.
Anyhow, first upgrade to Mach3 ver 062: http://www.machsupport.com/software/downloads-updates/
Direct link: ftp://anonymous:guest@ftp.machsupport.com/Mach3/Mach3Version3.043.062.exe
If needed, I can remake my converter for your needs.

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Offline mrpeja

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Re: Mach Z Axis dangerous behavior
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2018, 10:34:14 AM »
Hi, ZASto,
I use mostly Protel 2.8 for pcb design.  But, because sometimes it makes mistakes when generating drill file, I use Altium Designer for generating drill file.
After this, I have my son's program, written in Python, to generate G-code for each drill diameter (Tool). Format is 2:3 absolute inch, none zero suppressed.
Also, I do preparation for my friend who has pcb production business and I have many different pcb design programs installed on my computer. Because, every client send pcb design in different program, and I need to accept and process it. But always mostly it ends with Protel (Simple and enough efficient).
Please, send me more info on your conversion software.

BTW, your nick name is familiar to me, don't knew where from. Which country are you living?