Hi, I am trying to set up a mist control from Mach3, My first breakout board uses pins 2 - 9 for Axis Pul/Dir X,Y,Z and A, P14 as Enable, P1 as PWM P17 to turn spindle on, So installed a second Parallel card so can use Pin #17 for relay to turn a 12volt supply, I have jumper inserted on board.
I cant make any sense out of the control using M7, M8, M9 has no control, but sometimes when computer on 12volts appears as the relay seems to activate..
The only thing I am not happy with is the port address for Port #2 is EC00 - EC07 so entered EC00 in port address in Mach3 which seems to change to 0xec00, has Port #1 has 0x378 and the common address for port #2 is 0x278 I am wondering if this is my problem
but not sure how to change.
I would be most grateful for any help
Regards John