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Author Topic: Spindle not going full range of speed  (Read 1166 times)

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Spindle not going full range of speed
« on: August 11, 2018, 01:51:15 PM »
After 4 years my computer started going south but was able to get all my data before I said good bye.
Now with a new one in hand ( wind 7 32 bit ) I have loaded my data back into place including my old
mach 3 settings.  The only setting I had to change was the Parallel port address.

Now when I start Mach up my spindle speed (depending on the pulley) will only go between 5000-10000 rpm.  More the likely something
else changed and just not catching it.

The machine is china built with with a converter to Phase 1.  The Spindle is 3.2 Kw , 220v 10a 240000rpm 400Hz.

I have read way to much on this today with no luck,  could someone ease my brain on this one.