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Author Topic: Issues with starting Spindle!  (Read 1451 times)

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Issues with starting Spindle!
« on: June 21, 2018, 04:23:21 PM »
I'm working with a 48x48 CNC machine from CNCROUTERPARTS I realized I posted this is a flustered, hasty fashion but any info you need I'll be happy to suppy it to get this figured out.

Long story short my control PC decided to update yesterday. I had no idea of the issues that it would cause with Mach 3. So after discovering the issue I went along fixing it. I attempted to restore a previous version of windows but it did not complete properly and Windows is gone from that machine. THAT'S FINE. I had Mach3 on my design PC. So after setting everything up (I had a pre configured XML fine from CNCROUTERPARTS) and trying to run something I could not get my Spindle to run. It was previously running just fine on my control PC before it bricked. I've been trying to get the spindle to work all day and I can't seem to get it done. I'm just looking for more directions to look. Hope you can help! Thanks!
« Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 04:25:54 PM by kle777levi »
Re: Issues with starting Spindle!
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2018, 05:42:57 PM »
I apologize. Like I said I posted this in a slightly panicked state. I fixed my issues, some settings I had forgotten about were wrong. Thanks again!