that may be happening also but the basic problem it without accurate and repeatable referencing SoftLimits are useless.
Question: 'When Mach is first powered up how does it know where the machine is?'
Answer: 'It doesn't know where the machine is'.
Explanation: Mach is an OPEN LOOP controller. It has no real facility to accept feedback from the machine as to where it is and even if it were to be pressed that way
our machines DO NOT HAVE ABSOLUTE ENCODERS. Such things are available but they are rare and expensive well beyond the means of hobbyists.
Say you have boundaries programmed into the Soft Limits page, your machine has 1m travel in X and 1,2m travel in Y. It might be reasonable to have the X- softlimit = -500mm
and the X+ softlimit=500mm, the Y- softlimt= -600mm and the Y+ softlimit=600mm.
When you turn your machine on if it were perfectly centered on the table the SoftLimits would be fine, Mach would know that the X+ boundary is 500mm to the right and the X- boundary 500mm to the left.
What happens however when you turn your machine on and its not in the center, lets say its 200mm to the right of center. If Mach assumed that the boundary is X+ is 500mm to the right
your about to crash because you started not in the center but somewhere else and the soft limit data is correct if Mach starts in the center only.
This is the secret to how SoftLimits work, the boundary data is relative to a particular point and at the beginning of each session you must jog to that location and tell Mach, 'This is the sweet spot,
all the boundaries are relative to this location'. Mach is very good about tracking where it is ONCE you've told it where it started from and it can keep in mind where the boundaries are IF AND ONLY IF
it knows where it started from. This is the reason for home switches, and good, accurate home switches are worth their weight in gold.