What if you set up an input to "emulate', which uses a keystroke you can assign?
I think the emulate option is only available with the parallel port driver, though.
Hmmm.... that seems promising.
I tried as follows, I selected Input 4 on port 1, checked Emulated and then selected the HotKey cell, a SetHotKey pop-up occurs that states Press any key, so I press Tab (my desired key) and the HotKey cell changes to "9".
I was expecting Tab not 9, but I carry on and create a brain with the first cell being Input #4, save, enable and view the brain.
Press tab, and the jog display opens as expected, but the brain does not see the emulated input (I also tried "9" same thing nothing).
Did I do something wrong, or do I need to look for another approach?
Okay I tried changing the HotKey to something other than "Tab" (I used the letter "F") and this does trigger the brain. The problem is that I'm trying to notify some Pokeys logic when the Jog (Tab) is open so I think I have no other option than to use "Tab"
Other ideas? that was a good one, just does not want to work with "Tab"