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Author Topic: macro for Reference All Axes  (Read 5863 times)

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Re: macro for Reference All Axes
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2020, 06:31:14 AM »
Steve and I made the surface map so you put them in and out on easy run :) Also I have not done it myself but Mach Motion has done kinematics in the filters (that is what we call the plugins that modify the path).

I get your issue. Let me see if I can find a way to kill the open file. The issue is I don think we have the Handle to it anymore. We may be able to save it to a register so we can find it if there is a glitch.
Fixing problems one post at a time ;)

Re: macro for Reference All Axes
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2020, 05:07:30 PM »
Hi Brian,
that's an interesting condundrum.

I'm guessing that a 'handle' as you refer to it is different to a file path. The file path is generated when the m401 is called
and would therefore present no problem to save the file path text in a register/registers.....but what about a handle?

The only handles I've seen are those that occur when I call mc.SignalGetHandle(...) or similar. The return, presumably the handle itself,
is just a number, and I've always assumed it relates to the location in memory that the data is stored.

I've never thought about an open file having a handle, that is some location in memory that the code related to the data stream to and from
the file. If my understanding is correct: how would you go about saving or otherwise recording that handle?. Is it even possible with the programming
tools within Mach to get the handle? I suppose the last question is the handle constant?. That is to say lets assume the probing routine (which is the program
that called into existance the file handle), does the handle survive the failure of the calling routine or does it get garbage collected imediately?

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Re: macro for Reference All Axes
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2020, 05:49:30 PM »
Yeah, I need to look at it from the Lua perspective. I work in C most of the time so trying to do the Lua thing is difficult !

You bring up a great point , we could save the position data into the string in the register! The register is really a WXString (when it holds text) it is and can hold a book worth of text. I need to start making a list !
Fixing problems one post at a time ;)
