sorry misclick...
Diagnostic/Regfile/core-inst shows about 40 register values that Mach records and re-establishes at re-start but RRO is not one of them.
On Configure/Plugins/Regfile instantiate a new register RRO, you can provide an initial value and check it as persistant. Mach will automatically save
it when you shut down and save you from having to code it.
As you know there is a bunch of code which runs just once on the first pass of the PLC script. If you put your code to read the register and update
your RRO DRO that should work. Probably three lines of code.
The only thing I can see that might take a bit of thought is when you change your RRO in a session that the DRO updates the register automatically.
Might have to replace or modify the existing --Up and --Down event scripts.