For those who are curious how I did it. Maybe it can be done easier, I don't know, this works for me now though.
if LED1106 is OFF, a timer is started and then LED 1106 is turned ON.
Then when LED 1106 is ON another timer is started to turn LED 1106 OFF.
This will make LED 1106 blink all the time.
Then I used another timer to make sure it counts only once every time LED 1106 is going ON, and adds +1 to DRO 1106.
If there is no E-stop active, and DRO 1106 is bigger then 1, it will generate an E-stop.
In the macropump I added this:
If GetUserDRO(1106) >= 1 Then
End if
So the brain will add +1 to the DRO every second, but the macropump is setting it to zero again as soon as it sees it is not zero anymore.
When the macropump crashes, the brain will succesfully count on until the DRO reaches more then 1 (which is 2). And at that point the brain will generate an E-stop that can only be resetted after the DRO is back to zero.
So then you'll have to restart mach3.