I need new features and extensions for my milling machine to convert them temporarily into a turning machine.
My machine is a 4-axis milling machine. I am using the screen from Wolfram Szentiks, I copied and changed it. Because it is protected by password.
Therefore, I would not be able to provide it here. What is important is the functions behind the screen.
The A-axis is to be expanded in the next months by a 750W servo-spindle an a tailstock.
With the spindle, however, it is also possible to use the milling machine as a lathe with XYZ axis.
We are already on the topic.
Now I want to have a screen, where I can switch between milling and lathe operation.
To make it easy for me and Mach3, I would like to switch between the two modes. I found the function OEMCode131. But I can not find out what funtcion this OEM exactly does.
I use the 1024.lset screen set an modifid it with my established Bitmaps.
I've also managed to add the Y axis. (I'm a beginner) But there are already matching screens and tips.
http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,13548.40.htmlhttp://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,34609.0.htmlOf course I looked at this and I came across some problems.
Let's start with Problem 1: Setting the tools
Mach 3 lathe setup still supports only X, Z axis! You can add the Y axis, but it is not fully supported.
To set the tool offset, the function for X and z is for example: "Turn mode tool touch off X axis"/ DRO324. (=>Tool Table)
For Y the function is missing!
I have not found a description what the function DRO324 does in the background. Its a generel Problem for me.
I have written a VB script to calculate the offset. I can also show the value on the display and calculate it for the Part Zero display and store it in the tool table. Unfortunately, the Y value is missing in the table. I have therefore used the Turret Angle abused. It is also stored for every tool in a right way.
Only the workpiece position in the display is changed for
all tools!
If you then select another tool, the Y value remains the same.
This has two causes.
- Only the angle is read out.
- The offset is not calculate only by changing the Toolnumber.
Here is the test skript for the y offset:
Sub main ()
'Werkzeugversatz Y
GetOEMDRO(824) ''Werkzeugnummer/Tool number
GetOEMDRO(801) 'Y Werkstückkoordinate /Part coordinate
Y = GetOEMDRO(801)
'MsgBox "toolnummer direkt aus variable 24: " & GetOEMDRO(824) 'Test
MsgBox "y wert aus anzeige : " & y 'Test
'//// Werkzeugkoordinate errechnenen und in Tool-Setup speichern
YWst=GetOEMDRO(801) 'Werkstückkoordinate /Part coordinate
MsgBox "ywst: " & YWst
YWK=GetOEMDRO(1016) 'Y REfernezwerkzeug /refernz tool
MsgBox "ywk refernezwerkzeug: " & YWk 'Test
Y=YWst-YWK 'Y-Offset
MsgBox "delta y: " & Y 'test
'SetOEMDRO(48,Y) 'tool koordinate Y ' Turret Angle
SetOEMDRO(801,YWK) 'Y-Display- Part coordinate
MsgBox "y koordinate belegt " & getOEMDRO(801) 'Test
'SetOEMDRO(112,Y) 'it doesn't work!!!!
TN=GetOEMDRO(824) 'toolnummer auf herunterziehen und um 1 verringern() /read toolnumber
TN=TN-1 'i do not know wy, but it works!
settoolparam(tn, 7, y) 'Turret Angle (=7)
end sub
So it does not work properly.
It is possible to calculate the current position at each tool change. The coordinates of the referenz tool are indeed present (1016). But this is very cumbersome. In addition, the script must be started, when entering the tool number. DRO with hidden button does it work?
Does anyone have other ideas?
I can not believe that there is no need for 3-axis applications. Modern machines are often equipped with Y axis or driven tools.