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Author Topic: My logic is not working can anyone point me in correct direction Mach3 Probe G31  (Read 2016 times)

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Posting in lunch break at work so hope I can get the problem described correctly.

Mach3 licensed, on a CNC Plasma cutter, I use a Macro M800.M1s and call this as part of Sheetcam output Gcode before every pierce.

On some occasions, when some piece of metal has decided to jam things up I can find that the head is raised and the probe is already active before I call G31, so I get a message to say Probe input ignored and Mach3 then for some reason starts to move the X, Y or Z erratically which means I then loose position and have to stop the cutter, sort out positions and recommence cutting.

So the idea I has was on my M800.m1s check to see if the probe was active before doing a G31, but I can not get it to work, so not sure where I am going wrong.

Here is my M800 code as it is now and how I thought I could get it to work, can someone point me to my errors?

Code "G31 Z-30.0 F300" 'probe surface
' Wait for movement to complete
While (IsMoving())
' Sleep, so other threads can run while we wait
ZprobePos = GetVar(2002) 'get contact point
Code "G0 Z" &ZprobePos 'return to point to remove overshoot
' Wait For movement To complete
While (IsMoving())
' Sleep, so other threads can run While we wait
Call SetOEMDRO(802, -1.80) 'Set Z DRO = 0.00
Code "G1 Z 3.0 F300"
' Wait for movement to complete
While (IsMoving())
' Sleep, so other threads can run while we wait
' End

and new attempt is

' Update 15/06/17
If GetOEMLED(825) = 1 Then   ' The digitise LED is already on
Message " Probe input active"
Code "M1"         ' Code out the M1 to stop the machine if set to allow
' Wait for movement to complete
While (IsMoving())
' Sleep, so other threads can run while we wait
WEND            ' Wait end
Code "G31 Z-30.0 F500" 'probe surface
' Wait for movement to complete
While (IsMoving())
' Sleep, so other threads can run while we wait
ZprobePos = GetVar(2002) 'get contact point
Code "G0 Z" &ZprobePos 'return to point to remove overshoot
' Wait For movement To complete
While (IsMoving())
' Sleep, so other threads can run While we wait
Call SetOEMDRO(802, -3.60) 'Set Z DRO = 0.00
Code "G1 Z 2.5 F500"
' Wait for movement to complete
While (IsMoving())
' Sleep, so other threads can run while we wait
' End                                   
End if


I am trying a few more things without success such as defining a variable at the beginning called Ptest
I have tried to Dim as Integer and the following as below without winning.

I am not getting the message in the status window that the probe is active so I am assuming that the GetOEMLED(825) is the same as G21 and activates the probe, it self to still cause the issue, so will look to see if there is a way just to read the input pin directly?

' To find top of work and not screw ARC's
' Lots of tries
' Update 15/06/17
If Ptest = 1 Then      ' The digitise LED is already on
  Message "Probe input active"   ' notify
  Code "M1"         ' Code out the M1 to stop the machine if set to allow
  While (IsMoving())      ' Wait for movement to complete
  Sleep(100)         ' Sleep, so other threads can run while we wait
  WEND            ' Wait end
Else            ' probe not set
  Code "G31 Z-30.0 F500"    ' probe surface
  While (IsMoving())      ' Wait for movement to complete
  Sleep(100)         ' Sleep, so other threads can run while we wait
  Wend            ' Wait end
  ZprobePos = GetVar(2002)    ' get contact point
  Code "G0 Z" &ZprobePos    ' return to point to remove overshoot
  While (IsMoving())      ' Wait For movement To complete
  Sleep(100)         ' Sleep, so other threads can run While we wait
  Wend            ' Wait end
  Call SetOEMDRO(802, -3.60)    ' Set Z DRO = 0.00
  Code "G1 Z 2.5 F500"      ' go to just above pierce height
  While (IsMoving())      ' Wait for movement to complete
  Sleep(100)         ' Sleep, so other threads can run while we wait
  Wend            ' Wait end                 
End If            ' End     

Food time back later.

OK Success, I was not correctly understanding the IF Then Else bit on testing for condition, I do not go:  If GetOemLed(825) = 1

I just go: If GetOemLed(825)

as in the following works:
' Update 15/06/17
If GetOemLed(825) Then      ' The probe LED is already on
  Message "Probe input active"   ' notify
  Code "M1"         ' Code out the M1 to stop the machine if set to allow
  While (IsMoving())      ' Wait for movement to complete
  Sleep(100)         ' Sleep, so other threads can run while we wait
  WEND            ' Wait end
Else            ' probe not set
  Message ""         ' clear message
  Code "G31 Z-30.0 F500"    ' probe surface
  While (IsMoving())      ' Wait for movement to complete
  Sleep(100)         ' Sleep, so other threads can run while we wait
  Wend            ' Wait end
  ZprobePos = GetVar(2002)    ' get contact point
  Code "G0 Z" &ZprobePos    ' return to point to remove overshoot
  While (IsMoving())      ' Wait For movement To complete
  Sleep(100)         ' Sleep, so other threads can run While we wait
  Wend            ' Wait end
  Call SetOEMDRO(802, -3.60)    ' Set Z DRO = 0.00
  Code "G1 Z 2.5 F500"      ' go to just above pierce height
  While (IsMoving())      ' Wait for movement to complete
  Sleep(100)         ' Sleep, so other threads can run while we wait
  Wend            ' Wait end                 
End If            ' End 


Good to see you figured it out!