Hi there, I am using 2010 screen set on home made router, every time I use the simple auto zero, z axis will come down to touch off plate make contact retract and touch off again... some times it will go up to clearance specified.. other times a drop down box will ask if it is ok to retract.. press ok and it will go up... but now instead of going up it will come down to the touch off plate and stay there, is there any thing that can be done? and to-day after cutting about 20 name plates the screen freezes up but only when you go to close the g code nothing happens the g code is still on the screen.. all the axis can be moved, the dro's show the movement etc, the reset button works. but the screen will not clear or load another g code, only way to clear it is to shut Mach3 down and restart, this only started to-day. Any info will be greatly appreciated. I have attached my xml file